
Monday 18 August 2014

Woodland Discovery Day!


This family event will feature a variety of activities in the woods for all ages including bushcraft; bow & arrow making; fire lighting; foraging walks; storytelling, games for children, and drumming workshops. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Join the event on Facebook: - dołącz.

Zapowiada się dzień pełen przygód! Mnóstwo gier i zabaw dla dzieci, robienie łuku i strzał, rozpalanie ogniska, wytwarzanie przedmiotów z gałęzi, face-painting, story-telling, nauka rozpoznawania roślin, odróżniania jadalnych od niejadalnych... I tak dalej i tak dalej... Polecamy!

This fun filled afternoon is organised by Interfaith Scotland and sponsored by Forestry Commission Scotland.

There will be stalls from 10 diverse faith and belief communities in Glasgow highlighting their connection with the environment; face-painting, henna and delicious vegetarian food!

This will be a chance to come together to learn about and celebrate our shared concern for the natural world around us - we hope to see you there!

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